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What a treat we have in store for Social Studies teachers, leaders, and district personnel for the 2018-2019 school year!

We are going on field trips, hearing from several different presenters, recognizing local teachers, and leaving each session with a variety of resources! This year most of our lunches will be provided as well. I would love to have teachers and leaders who commit to coming to all or most of the PLC's this year so that we can form a close knit group of Social Studies educators in our area!

Please see below for the schedule of Social Studies PLC dates, locations, and topics! You will be able to sign up for these sessions beginning in July through your Ascentis account or by following this link:

If you are not in one of our member districts but are interested in this opportunity, you are still welcome to sign up!

Please e-mail Crystal Parten with any questions:


***All sessions will be geared toward grades 3-12 and will be held from 9:00-3:30.***


Thinking Critically about History

This session will focus on literacy standards and the Information Processing Skills in the Social Studies Matrices. Participants will discuss strategies and ideas to increase active learning and increase variety in lessons within the social Studies classroom.

We will take a Canal Tour at 10AM and will also tour the museum. Lunch will be provided.

September 18: LOCATION: RESA in Dearing, GA

Map and Globe Skills Workshop

This session will focus on the Map and Globe Skills found in the Social Studies Matrices. Instructional activities and resources will be shared with participants focusing on resources that can be accessed for FREE on Discovery Education and PBS Learning Media. Participants will leave with resources and lessons aligned with the GSE and the SS Matrices. Lunch will be provided.

October 23: LOCATION: LUCY LANEY CRAFT MUSEUM, Augusta, Georgia

Narrative Writing in the Social Studies Classroom

The past becomes real through first-person stories. This session will show how to make history come alive by allowing students to become historical figures through writing. A variety of instructional ideas and lessons will be taught including power lessons to help teach students how to write these narratives. All resources will be aligned with the GSE and Literacy Standards. We will tour the Lucy Laney Craft Museum in the morning and in the afternoon we will have a tour of the surrounding community and learn how it was important in shaping our local history. Our tour guide and presenter will be Corey Rogers of the Lucy Laney Craft Museum.

Lunch will be provided.

​November 27: LOCATION: RESA in Dearing, Georgia

Primary Sources Workshop I

This session will address the importance of using various sources in Social Studies instruction. Participants will explore many online resources that provide high quality primary sources and lesson plans using primary sources that are ready for classroom use. Participants will also learn several ways to get students involved in analyzing primary sources. They will choose a lesson plan to revise and have time to work on a primary source activity to use in that lesson. Lunch will be provided by Curriki.

January 22: LOCATION: RESA in Dearing, Georgia

Teaching Text Structure through Social Studies Content

This session will address the importance of teaching students text structure in primary and secondary sources used in Social Studies instruction. We will specifically focus on cause and effect, compare and contrast, and chronology. Participants will engage in instructional activity models and leave with authentic lesson examples to use in their classes. All resources will be aligned with the GSE and Literacy Standards. ​


Primary Sources Workshop II

This session will address the importance of using various sources in Social Studies instruction. Participants will interact with many primary sources, learn fun and effective ways to use them in class, and leave with a jump drive of sources aligned with their specific content standards! The workshop will be delivered by Michelle Zupan of Hickory Hill. Lunch will be provided.

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